Top 10 List of Week 09
Anis Farhan --- Pati

Top 10 List of Week 09

  1. How a Hard Disk Drive Works
    The hard drive contains a spinning platter with a thin magnetic coating. A “head” moves over the platter, writing 0’s and 1’s as tiny areas of magnetic North or South on the platter. This video is about an engineer demonstrates how a hard disk drive works.

  2. A History of Hard Drives
    While searching about “The First Commercial Disk Drive” image in OSC10 chapter 11 slides, it brings me here. It explains brief history about the hard drives from its very first hard drives to today’s most recent SSd, and predict about the future too.

  3. Volatile and Non-Volatile Computer Memory
    In computing, memory refers to the devices used to store information for use in a computer. The term primary memory is used for storage systems which function at high-speed (i.e. RAM), as a distinction from secondary memory, which provides program and data storage that is slow to access but offer higher memory capacity. This article gives me better understanding about the two.

  4. Disk Scheduling Algorithms
    Disk scheduling is done by operating systems to schedule I/O requests arriving for the disk. Disk scheduling is also known as I/O scheduling. This short article explains a lot to me about disk scheduling.

  5. Partition
    When referring to a computer hard drive, a disk partition or partition is a section of the hard drive that is separated from other segments. Partitions enable users to divide a physical disk into logical sections. For example, allowing multiple operating systems to run on the same device. I like this article because it short, but contains a lot of information

  6. What are Drive Partitions?
    A youtube video about drive partitioning, it’s actually the same with number 5 but in form of a video.

  7. Storage Management – What is it and How to Implement
    Storage Management refers to the processes that help make data storage easier through software or techniques. It tries to improve and maximize the efficiency of data storage resources. This article gives me better understanding how to manage my computer storage more efficiently.

  8. Swap-Space Management
    Swap space is The area on the disk where the swapped out processes are stored is called swap space. Swap-space is a term I learned during OS class this year, I put this article here because it helps me understand more.

  9. What Is Cloud Storage?
    Cloud storage is a way for businesses and consumers to save data securely online so that it can be accessed anytime from any location and easily shared with those who are granted permission. Cloud storage is newest technology in keeping our data, this article is short but contains useful informations.

  10. RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks)
    RAID, or “Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks” is a technique which makes use of a combination of multiple disks instead of using a single disk for increased performance, data redundancy or both. This is the last topic which took my interest in this week’s material, I just feel the need to put it here :)

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